All black logo with the text 'Super Color Palette' and an icon of a palette with an S in it

Updates for Super Color Palette

See whats new, what's changed, and what's coming soon!


Image to Palette!



Released on



  • Import an image to create a color palette
  • Adjust the overall palette complexity
  • Fine-tune the complexity of individual hues, saturation, and lightness
  • Add to or replace your existing palette
  • Images are processed locally for your privacy
  • Fixed an issue where the context menu would open when it shouldn't
  • Fixed an issue where changing the color from the sliders or picker wouldn't update the color sometimes

New Color Blending, Color Picker, Color Harmonies, and More!


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  • Fixed a bug where the color picker would not update when changing the hex
  • Fixed a bug where the hex input field was showing the incorrect hex
  • Updated meta image url to a link that doesn't return a 404


  • Added the ability to move colors while in edit mode
  • Minor UI improvements when in other languages


  • Added Grayscale preview toggle
  • Added List export option
  • Fixed an issue where slider background colors were not correctly rendered based on some color modes
  • Tweaked dropdown styling and color
  • Minor mobile UI improvements


  • Added easing back in to work with harmonies
  • Minor UI improvements


  • Create a new color by blending two
  • Individual colors can now be deleted
  • Changed how color harmonies are implemented
  • Added circular hue indicators
  • Added generator presets
  • Added color picker for HSL and HSV
  • Added picker or slider toggle and your preference is saved locally
  • Improved color generation while in edit mode
  • Made accessing color options easier
  • Added new toast/notification system
  • Improved grid layout of saved palettes
  • Moved gradient toggle to the preview tab
  • Temporarily removed easing
  • Updated home page design
  • Removed extra modal after exporting
  • and lots of other minor bug fixes :)

Contrast Matrix


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Easily find the perfect background and text combinations while keeping accessibility in mind!

  • Added contrast matrix
  • Modified colors and language for contrast levels
  • Added icons to contrast level text
  • Fixed some minor bugs

Easing Functions


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Combine shifting with easing functions for even more control over your palettes!

  • Added easing functions for shifting
  • Changed the dark mode palette to be a bit darker
  • Updated default page with more information
  • Added precision mode for more granular shifting
  • Increased the maximum colors per group to 24
  • Fixed a of couple minor bugs

Save Palettes!


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Easily save unlimited palettes for free!

  • Added save option for palettes
  • Added saved page where you can view, edit, share, and manage saved palettes.
  • Improved the method for exporting palettes to prevent issues with extensions or plugins that modify the page color.
  • Improved usability of the generator constraints
  • Added fullscreen view option for saved palettes
  • Fixed export bug where not all colors would be exported in specific cases
  • Improved Discord join button hover styles for light and darkmode
  • Other minor changes

Super Dark Mode, Stack Preview, and More!


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Lights out, dark mode is here!

  • Added automatic dark mode based on system preference
  • Added Preview tab
  • Preview preferences are saved
  • Added stack display
  • Added gap preview option for card display
  • Added hex size preview option for card display
  • Added Paste Hex option to quick action popup
  • Hex input field is auto focused when entering edit mode
  • Larger values can be used in shift input fields by typing
  • Changed button language for Adjust
  • Fixed a bug where changing the size for SVG changes it to PNG when exporting as pixels
  • Condensed main controls card layout to allow more room for colors
  • Updated the design of the Updates page
  • Many other minor improvements

Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) & SVG Export Options


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Import Your Palettes as Swatches in Adobe Programs!

  • Added Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) export option
  • Added SVG export option
  • Added SVG for Pixel export option
  • A "New!" badge will appear for new updates

Input Update


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Quickly type in the number you want instead of using the sliders

  • Added input fields for slider inputs
  • Improved pasting hex values and validation
  • Fixed some inconsistencies
  • Shift precision has been reduced to integers

Pixel Export


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Easily export as pixels to use in your favorite pixel art programs

  • Export pixel palette as PNG (1x, 4x, 8x, 16x, and 32x)
  • Export pixel palette as GIMP (.gpl) file
  • Palette history updates slightly faster
  • Tweaked layout of shift tab on mobile

CSS Export


Released on


Export your super awesome color palettes to CSS or SCSS!

This small update adds the option to export your super awesome color palettes as CSS or SCSS variables. Using variables promotes consistency and allows you to easily change your palette later on. Gradients are also supported reducing the headache from manually typing out all the colors. This is a great way to quickly get your color palette into your web project. Enjoy!

v1.0.0 Is Here!


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Welcome to Super Color Palette!

This is just the beginning. If you have feedback or ideas please don't hesitate to reach out by email or on the discord!